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DOS Cable re: Humane Treatment of Guantanamo Detainees

Feb. 8, 2002 | DOS | ACLU-RDI 4321
State Department cable stating that the Taliban and Al-Qaeda fighters are enemy combatants and will not be afforded the Geneva Conventions, but will be treated humanely and in accordance with the principles of the Geneva Convention. "The U.S. is treating and will continue to treat all of the individuals detained at Guantanamo humanely, and, to the extent appropriate and consistent with military necessity, in a manner consistent with the third Geneva Convention of 1949... The President has determined that the Geneva Convention applies to the Taliban detainees, but not to the Al Qaida detainees." "[N]either neither Taliban nor Al-Qaida detainees are entitled to POW status... even though the detainees are not entitled to POW privileges, they will be provided many POW privileges as a matter of policy... The detainees will not be subjected to physical or mental abuse or cruel treatment."