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CID Report (Death): 0066-2007-CID045-19508-5H1A/5M3A; Unknown Iraqi Male, Regt, Iraq, October 1, 2003 ("Homicide")

July 6, 2007 | CID | ACLU-RDI 5538
This is a CID investigation into a reported unlawful killing of an Iraqi male during a US Army raid. The accusation was made by an Army Sergeant who claims to have been present on a raid when a Specialist shot an unarmed elderly male dead at the direction of a Captain, in violation of the Rules of Engagement (ROE). The investigation could not corroborate the Sergeant's claim, and charged the Sergeant with making a false claim concerning his statements on the matter. The investigation included the taking of Sworn Statements from the members of the Sergeant's Unit. The Report concerns investigating the Sergeant's claim, and the charges brought against him for making a false report.