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CID Report: 0139-03-CID469-60206

Oct. 13, 2004 | CID | ACLU-RDI 149

A CID Investigation was initiated based on the claims by a Sergeant that he witnessed several counter-intelligence (CI) agents abuse Iraqi detainees during interrogations while he was stationed in Samarra, Iraq. The Sergeant stated he saw CI agents “strike, pull the hair, and force into asphyxiation numerous Iraqi detainees.” He also stated that “some of the CI agents would point a loaded weapon at the detainees’ heads and tell them they would kill them if they did not talk”. In a sworn statement the Sergeant says that he also observed “staged executions”. The Sergeant stated that he went to his Company’s Captain and reported the brutality. The Captain then appointed an officer to head the AR 15-6 investigation, which led to the CID investigation. The investigation consisted of interviewing the CI agents accused of abuse, a review of medical and other records pertinent to the interrogations, as well as interviewing and obtaining sworn statements from non-CI personnel who observed the interrogation sessions as they were conducted. No one, other than the reporting Sergeant, stated that any detainees were abused during these interrogation sessions. The investigation concluded the claims of detainee abuse were unfounded and closed the matter as such.