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Army Memo re: Operational Memorandum 006-04, Forwarding of Original Case Files Pertaining to Detaine6 Abuse/Death Investigations

Aug. 4, 2004 | CID | ACLU-RDI 167
This document is a memo to file for the Criminal Investigation Division to establish interim policy concerning the Forwarding of Original Case Files Pertaining to Detainee Abuse/Death Investigations. The memo direct that “Upon closure of any CID Action (non-Report of Investigation (ROI)), any “Unfounded” CD ROI, or any CID ROI with an “Unknown Subject” pertaining to allegations of the abuse of detained persons by U.S. military and contracted personnel or the death of a detained person, the original case file, including any Agent's Notes, will be forwarded to Director, U.S. Army Crime Records Center."