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Email thread discussing possibility of FBI abuse at Abu Ghraib. One email says "Bottom line is FBI personnel have not been involved in any methods of interrogation that deviate from our policy [redacted]. The specific guidance we have given has ...
Valerie Caproni to Frankie Battle, Laura M. Laughlin and others re: Potential curruption concerning bid rigging and kickback schemes in Iraq, i.e. Coalition Provisional Authority.
M. Chris Briese sent an email stating "All, The Director wanted to know (by the end of the day) if anyone from the FBI had first-hand knowledge of any abuses at Abu Ghraib prison. If so, how did we handle it. I know that we have been made aware ...

This email is collecting a list of FBI agents who toured through Iraq in 2003, and obtaining statments from them concerning their understanding of FBI interrogation procedures for detainees.

E-mails between FBI Officials: Chris Swecker, Robert S. Mueller III, Valerie E. Caproni, Bruce J. Gebhardt and [names redacted] re: update on two open prisoner abuse cases Update on 2 open prisoner abuse cases, including alleged rape case. ...
FBI E-mail from Chris Swecker to Valerie E. Caproni re: UR714/SC/Detainee Abuse. [Email is heavily redacted] Later e-mails note that decision was made at DOJ that these matters would not be investigated as Civil Rights Violations. There is ...

Emails between Patrick W. Kelley, Valerie E. Caproni, John F. Curran and Others re: US DOJ Executive Secretariat correspondence. Urges the AG to do all he can to ensure regular unrestricted access by the International Committee of the Red ...

Email chain concerning questions from Congress re: Detainee abuse allegations, Iraqi public corruption, contract fraud and Members of the House Armed Services Committee visiting Guantanamo on 5/25/2004
The emails discuss a request by Congressman Frank R. Wolf's office requesting their (FBI's) attendance at a press conference re: additional funding for gang investigations. In one email, Chris Swecker lists things to later discuss with Laura ...
Contents redacted.
Dec. 15, 2004
Chris Swecker | Laura M. Laughlin
Chris Swecker, Laura M. Laughlin
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