Search Result (5)

This is the deposition of Brigadier General Janis L. Karpinski regarding conditions at Abu Ghraib Detention Facility. In her interview, Gen. Karpinski testified that she visited cell blocks 1A and 1B regularly; that Abu Ghraib housed juveniles ...
Interviewee was assigned to AG from the end of August/first of September 2003 and remained there until March 1, 2004. Noted that there was an excel spreadsheet kept on sleep management and deprivation techniques requested or approved. Recalled ...
Mar. 03, 2005
Interview (Transcript)
Thomas Pappas, Geoffrey D. Miller
Use of phobias, Sleep deprivation, Nudity, Other Humiliation
Interviewee made more than one trip to AG. First was a an interrogator assigned to AG to review interrogation database/report protocol. Second as a member of Tiger Team. Observed the following techniques, sleep deprivation, altering of meal ...
This is the transcript of Gen. Taguba’s deposition of Gen. Pappas re: Abu Ghraib prison. It contains specific Q&A’s about responsibility for the security and different elements of prison/base operations. Abuse of detainees is brought out as well ...
Col. describes how he received his assignment to Iraq and the conditions he found at Abu Ghraib prison. He also describes and an incident where he referred an "unauthorized detainee interview" to Gen Pappas and that was eventually given to Capt. ...