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FBI Email re: Response to Steve McCraw’s Email on Detainee Abuse and Maltreatment at Guantanamo Bay

July 13, 2004 | FBI | ACLU-RDI 4953
This email is a response to a Bureau wide memo sent by Steve McCraw to illicit information from FBI agents who toured through Guantanamo Bay to report any suspected or witnessed abuse of detainees at Guantanamo Bay. This FBI agent who toured through Guantanamo responded with the following statement: "Date Unknown, Possibly October-November time frame, SA and I were at Camp Delta. In the Gold (I believe) Interview/Interrogation trailer. We heard loud music coming from the right far rear of one of interview/interrogation rooms and proceeded to enter the observation booth in between the rooms, The lights were off in the Interview/interrogation room but there was a strobe light on with loud music inside and a clothed detainee sitting on the floor, no one else was in the room. An unknown white male in civilian clothing entered the Observation (room we were in, and told us we should not be there, SA and I land myself exited the room".
  • Unknown date, Unknown, Guantanamo
    • FBI agent who toured through Guantanamo responded to an email requesting information from agents regarding detainee abuse at Guantanamo. The agent provided the following statement: "Date Unknown, Possibly October-November time frame, SA and I were at Camp Delta. In the Gold (I believe) Interview/Interrogation trailer. We heard loud music coming from the right far rear of one of interview/interrogation rooms and proceeded to enter the observation booth in between the rooms, The lights were off in the Interview/interrogation room but there was a strobe light on with loud music inside and a clothed detainee sitting on the floor, no one else was in the room. An unknown white male in civilian clothing entered the Observation (room we were in, and told us we should not be there, SA and I land myself exited the room".