Search Result (5)
You searched for: "combat+techniques"
Transcript of the testimony of Gen. John Abizaid (commander, U.S. Central Command), Lt. Gen. Ricardo Sanchez (commander, Multinational Force-Iraq), and Maj. Gen. Geoffrey Miller (deputy commander for detainee operations, Multinational Force) ...
Interview (Transcript)
John Warner, John McCain, James M. Inhoff, Pat Roberts, Alan Wayne Allard, Jeff Sessions, Sue Collins, John Ensign, Jim Talent, Saxby Chambliss, Lindsey Graham, Elizabeth Dole, John Cornyn, Carl Levin, Edward M. Kennedy, Robert C. Byrd, Joe Lieberman, Jack Reed, Daniel Akaka, Bill Nelson, Ben Nelson, Mark Dayton, Evan Bayh, Hillary Clinton, Mark Pryor, John P. Abizaid, Ricardo Sanchez, Geoffrey D. Miller, Marc Warren, L. Paul Bremer, Colin L. Powell, Condoleeza Rice, Antonio Taguba, Geoffrey D. Miller, Donald J. Ryder, George R. Fay, Janis Leigh Karpinski, Thomas Pappas, David D. McKiernan, Keith Dayton, Stephen A. Cambone, William G. Boykin, Paul Wolfowitz, Marc Warren, Paul Hill, Keith B. Alexander, Richard B. Myers, Nicholas Evan Berg, Donald H. Rumsfeld, Richard B. Cheney, Barbara G. Fast, Mark Traecey Patrick Kimmitt, Walter L. Sharp
Physical assault, General
Interview (Transcript)
John Warner, Paul Wolfowitz, Peter Pace, Joel Kaplan, George W. Bush, Robert C. Byrd, Jeff Sessions, Alan Wayne Allard, Carl Levin, David Petraeus, Edward M. Kennedy, Lawrence J. Lanzillotta, John McCain, John P. Abizaid, Tommy Franks, Colin L. Powell, Condoleeza Rice, Ricardo Sanchez, Donald H. Rumsfeld, Charley Cooper, James M. Inhoff, Joe Lieberman, Ben Nelson, Sue Collins, Mark Dayton, Elizabeth Dole, Bill Nelson, Hillary Clinton, Keith B. Alexander, Jack Reed, Jim Talent, Douglas J. Feith
Interview (Transcript)
Ted Stevens, Donald H. Rumsfeld, Richard B. Myers, Lawrence J. Lanzillotta, Daniel Inouye, Peter Schoomaker, Robert C. Byrd, Vernon E. Clark, Harry N. Cordes, John P. Abizaid, Ernest Frederick Hollings, George W. Bush, William Thad Cochran, Patrick Leahy, Eric K. Shinseki, Lawrence B. Lindsey, Nicholas Evan Berg, Pietro Vichi Domenici, Thomas Richard Harkin, Thomas E. White, L. Paul Bremer, David S. C. Chu, Christopher Samuel Bond, Richard J. Durbin, Antonio Taguba, Dianne Feinstein, James R. Helmly, George R. Fay, Kay Bailey Hutchison, Byron Leslie Dorgan, Arlen Specter, Addison Mitchell McConnell, Jr., Richard Craig Shelby, Conrad Ray Burns
Transcript of the testimony of Donald Rumsfeld, Gen. Richard Myers (chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff), Les Brownlee (acting sec. of the Army), Gen. Peter Shoomaker (Army Chief of Staff), and Lt. Gen. Lance Smith (U.S. Central Command dep. ...
Interview (Transcript)
John Warner, Carl Levin, Donald H. Rumsfeld, Richard B. Myers, Romie Leslie Brownlee, Peter Schoomaker, Lance L. Smith, Antonio Taguba, Alberto R. Gonzales, Joseph Darby, Mark Traecey Patrick Kimmitt, John P. Abizaid, George R. Fay, John McCain, Edward M. Kennedy, Pat Roberts, Robert C. Byrd, Alan Wayne Allard, Joe Lieberman, Jeff Sessions, Ricardo Sanchez, Jack Reed, Geoffrey D. Miller, Sue Collins, Daniel Akaka, Lindsey Graham, Bill Nelson, Paul Wolfowitz, John Ensign, Jim Talent, Saxby Chambliss, Elizabeth Dole, Ben Nelson, Mark Dayton, Evan Bayh, Hillary Clinton, Mark Pryor, William Frist
Nudity, Other Humiliation, Sexual
A letter from President Bush describing progress against Al Qaeda in Afghanistan and work with other countries.
George W. Bush
John Dennis Hastert | Robert C. Byrd
John Dennis Hastert, Robert C. Byrd