Search Result (331)

You searched for: "aclu-rdi+275"

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Medical Encyclopedia - Information on anal fissures.
Fragmentary Order 801 marking the activation of the Multinational Forces Iraq under command of General Ricardo S Sanchez and Lieutenant General Thomas F Metz. At the handover of power to the Interim Iraqi Govrnment on 06/20/2004, "the dynamic of ...
June 30, 2006
Ricardo Sanchez, Thomas F. Metz
A deleted-page information sheet from the DOD in response to the ACLU's FOIA request. The DOD notes that pages, 16253-16255, were withheld for further review.
Army Field Manual No. 3-21.9: FM 3-21.9 The SBCT Infantry Rifle Platoon and Squad
A deleted-page information sheet from the DOD. Bates Numbering Error from 6396-6400.
Deleted Page Information Sheet - Mounted Brigade Combat Team (TACSOP)
This detainee Screening Report is a standard form letter for processing detainees taken in to custody. The detainee associated with this Screening Report is redacted, but the report details a female detainee and briefly lists questions asked of ...
A deleted-page information sheet from the DOD in response to the ACLU's FOIA request. The DOD notes that pages, 16058-16091, were referred to CID.
The index lists this document as: Shift Log 17 Dec 02. Heavily redacted and the first page appears to be missing. The readable parts of the document state that the detainee was seen by medical personnel; he was given food & water;was taken to ...
DOD PowerPoint presentation on Guantanamo. Heavily redacted.