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Taguba Report Annex 90: Testimony of Mr. Steve Stephanowicz Civilian Contract Interrogator, 205th Military Intelligence Brigade
Feb. 12, 2004 | DOA | ACLU-RDI 296
Testimony of Mr. Steve Stephanowicz US Civilian Contract Interrogator, 205th Military Intelligence Brigade. Mr. Stephanowicz is a Navy intelligence specialist. He was employed by CJTF-7 to support operations in Iraq, specifically, Abu Ghraib prison. The interview covered his background as an intelligence officer and his understanding of the standard operating procedures at Abu Ghraib, the location of interrogations at the prison, techniques of interrogation as well as the rules of engagement for interrogations. He said “It wasn't in writing saying [the rules of engagement], "Do not go in there and do that." That was presented from when I arrived as, that's an area in which you could go in and interrogate the detainee”. Mr. Stephanowicz related several incidents involving detainee abuse, i.e. assault, use of dogs, etc. He also related his understanding of other detainee abuse and the filming of such abuse. Finally, he described the chain of command for detainee handling.