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DOD Memo: Interview of Official re: Conditions at Abu Ghraib Detention Facility

June 21, 2004 | DOD | ACLU-RDI 779
Memo of a conversation between an unknown interviewee and [redacted]. In the memo, the interviewee discusses methods used to get detainees to talk. Interviewee explained that detainees are captured, blindfolded, yelled at, pushed, in order to leave them in a state of fear. The interviewee explains during the conversation what he suggested to [redacted], "I told him that the guards should appear as though they could be harsh, abrasive and ... I used some extremely harsh words to describe the level of fear that the prisoner should feel. I told him that this fear, the guards, this place all come together to create a harsh environment and that this sets the stage for the interrogator. I told him that he should be the first friendly face the prisoner sees, and that the prisoner will want to talk to relieve his fear. I suggested he have someone take some pictures of what seemed to be guards being rough with prisoners, so he could use them to scare the prisoners."