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Formica Report Annex 49: Statement of Chief Petty Officer; Gunners Mate re: Handling and Treatment of Detainees at Abu Ghraib Prison

June 20, 2004 | DON | ACLU-RDI 2539
Navy Chief Petty Officer, Gunners Mate, discusses in-processing and handling of detainees. States that taped up goggles are put on detainees. Other units use hoods. States, "I've never seen anybody get kicked, punched, or sexually abused. Guys that go in for interrogation have never come out with signs of any unusual discomfort." Further states, "We can only follow instructions given to us. At one point the interrogators said they wanted the detainees to have 24 hours of no sleep. At that time I called the CG and have the JAG come down here, and have them rewrite the orders, because it was against the S.O.P. I'm not going to violate the S.O.P."