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Fay Report Annex: DOD Interview re: Conditions at Abu Ghraib Detention Facility

May 26, 2004 | ACLU-RDI 783
Interviewee worked in in-screeing and interrogation operations. Recalled an incident at Camp Cropper Baghdad International Airport, where interrogators with teh 519th MI Brigade put a detainee in a stress position, he was on his knees with his arms stretched out to his sides. Also recalled that at Camp Cropper "some detainees that were brought in by SEAL Team 5 and Task Force 20 . . . appeared to be very severely beaten . . . When we would inquire about their wounds, the SEALs/TF-20 members would provide a general 'they resisted' response. [Redacted] was responsible for recording these injuries, and wrote reports, I believe, on all such incidents." Also, interviewee recalled a Nov 03 incident in which he observed a detainee stripped down to his underwear by an interrogator in the hard site.
  • Unknown date, Camp Cropper, Iraq
    • Interviewee worked in in-screeing and interrogation operations. He/she recalled an incident at Camp Cropper Baghdad International Airport, where interrogators with the 519th MI Brigade put a detainee in a stress position, he was on his knees with his arms stretched out to his sides.
  • Unknown date, Abu Ghraib (Baghdad Correctional Facility (BCCF)), Iraq
    • Interviewee worked in in-screeing and interrogation operations. Also, interviewee recalled a Nov 03 incident in which he observed a detainee stripped down to his underwear by an interrogator in the hard site.